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Somewhere in the Kupier Belt; for those rare times where a criminal hasn't upset the 'Danes, community service to the terraforming groups isn't enough, and the death penalty is either too extreme or not practiced by the affected Faction, Azkaban Prison serves as the Fenspace Convention's maximum-security prison.

In order to avoid any appearance of conflict of interest (or any appearance of gathering too much power in one organization), the Space Patrol and Great Justice have no say in the administration of Azkaban. Prison security and prisoner transport are carried out by the Azkaban Prison Authority.[1] The Prison Authority reports directly to the Convention.

A copy of the Whole Fenspace Catalog is kept in the Warden's safe, so that the Catalog has a chance of surviving any system-wide catastrophe.


  1. Often called "the Dementors" by Fen who love running a joke into the ground.