The official home base for the Musician's Aid Society, Space Station Three is a low-cost hostel open to musicians[2], with an attached concert hall.
Many Filkers call Space Station Three their "Bardic College". This is a reference to its administrative function as a place where musicians can find work, release recordings with some hope of not having them pirated on their release day, and compare their fanbases, not a hint that the station has any educational facilities.[3]
Either the Dandelions go out of their way to perpetuate the myth invoked by the station's name, or Carmen Miranda's Ghost Is Haunting Space Station Three - either way, there's always fresh fruit available on the station.
- ↑ Plus the transient population.
- ↑ Read, "free crash space", but only for people with musical talent and people who can fake having that talent.
- ↑ This doesn't stop hopeful "students" from showing up at their airlocks, though.
Spacecraft Registry - Space Stations |
| Active Space Stations: Constructed | | | Active Space Stations: Asteroid Habitats | |