MotFfOS page 114

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The Mystery of the Fen from Outer Space

(written and drawn by Brian Webb)<br\> Updated every Friday<br\> <br\>

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Vision Impaired Transcript

<br\> F: When he got back?<br\> Angela: Yes. He was in some kind of trouble. His boss thought...<br\> Angela: ...that it would be a good idea for him and a bunch of his buddies to get out of town for a while.<br\> Li: Where to?<br\> Angela: Dale said Australia.<br\> Angela: I knew where he was really going... and then the news started reporting on fights up there.<br\> Angela: At first it was just about those stupid Fen. Overgrown children throwing tantrums.<br\> Li: And then?<br\> Angela: It got worse, and I started to worry. And when they started saying it was criminals from Earth... I didn't want to believe, but...<br\> <br\>

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