MotFfOS page 007

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The Mystery of the Fen from Outer Space

(written and drawn by Brian Webb)<br\> Updated every Thursday<br\> <br\>

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Vision Impaired Transcript

<br\> Narrator: FBI Offices, One Center Plaza, Boston.<br\> Emilia: We've managed to get them to agree to send a couple of agents to help with your investigation.<br\> Hamilton: Are we certain we got the right group?<br\> Emilia: Considering the fight they put up to get someone from this... Patrol, we think so.<br\> Hamilton: I'm still not certain we're going to be able to prove anything.<br\> Emilia: They'll screw up eventually.<br\> Hamilton: I don't know. If 'wavium is involved...<br\> Emilia: The people are still people. And their brining their little war down here.<br\> Hamilton: Right. We'll keep an eye on them.<br\> <br\>

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