The Mystery of the Fen from Outer Space

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(written and drawn by Brian Webb)<br\> Updated every Thursday<br\> <br\>

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Comic fen frm out space page046.jpg

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Vision Impaired Transcript

<br\> Chalmbers: If the meeting site was hit that means they're getting information from inside.<br\> Li: A spy, or good sig int.<br\> Chalmbers: It sounds more and more like someone's trying to start a war. But we still don't know who.<br\> Li: Sit on Mr. Morgan, maybe he'll spill more.<br\> Chalmbers: Right.<br\> Li: Anything interesting in there?<br\> Cop 1: It's empty. Looks like there was a closet they plastered over. Probably to hide drugs.<br\> Cop 1: You get anything?<br\> Grey: Sweat and something else.<br\> Grey: It's familiar, I... Abchu!<br\> Grey sneezes Grey: Abchu!<br\> Cop 1: What's she doing?<br\> Li: Grey?<br\> Grey: Ffft, Ffft.<br\> Li: Let's get you out of here. Come on Grey.<br\> Grey: Hehe hehe.<br\> <br\>

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