The Mystery of the Fen from Outer Space

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(written and drawn by Brian Webb)<br\> Normally updated Fridays;<br\> <br\>

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Comic fen frm out space page144.jpg

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Vision Impaired Transcript

<br\> Mr. Leza: Right, that's why I'm in a dingy motel room, with...<br\> Mr. Leza: And what if it talks?<br\> Dark Senshi: That's highly unlikely. There's enough blocks in place that they'd need another AI to cut through them. And that would probably lobotomize him.<br\> Mr. Leza: Right.<br\> Snow Globe AI: Well, this is just great. Oh well. Everything's in place... and oh, I've got some signal strength.<br\> SFX Phone ringing. <br\>

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