The Mystery of the Fen from Outer Space

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(written and drawn by Brian Webb)<br\> Updated every Friday<br\> <br\>


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Vision Impaired Transcript

<br\> Grey: It's probably not that bad.<br\> Grey: Well, for the FBI at least. I think. You made some upgrades a while back didn't you? I remember a report...<br\> Hamilton: Ah hell, At least we're still taking most of our notes on paper.<br\> Hamilton: So what did they change?<br\> Chalmbers: It looks like they just added some information...<br\> Chalmbers: We had some ideas about who our friends work for, but this lays it out completely.<br\> Hamilton: It confirms your suspicions?<br\> Chalmbers: Yes.<br\> Grey: Could you have been wrong?<br\> Chalmbers: Not this badly.<br\> Grey: Then why? Do you have a file on their 'boss'?<br\> <br\>

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