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===Vision Impaired Transcript===
===Vision Impaired Transcript===
'''Ring Tone:'''  * The careful text-books... *<br\>
Hamilton: We got a 'tip' from someone earlier.<br\>
'''Li:''' Hello Alex. How's your day going?<br\>
Li: You don't sound too happy about that.<br\>
'''Hamilton:''' Just wonderful thanks.<br\>
Hamilton: They hacked PD's systems and inserted it into the case notes.<br\>
'''Li:''' I'm so happy.<br\>
Li: Oh.  That's not good.<br\>
'''Hamilton:''' Did you find anything?<br\>
Hamilton: No.  But unless you turn something up, it's all we've got.<br\>
'''Li:''' Not muchAn interesting calender.  Some of the circled dates are very familiar.<br\>
Li: It doesn't look good.  We've found a bunch of weapons, and some 'waved body armourBut no notes or computers.<br\>
'''Hamilton:''' Anything for today?<br\>
Hamilton: We're going to talk to a guy Chalmbers knows, see if this is legit.<br\>
'''Li:''' Let's see... some one came back yesterday, and today... no notes, but it is circled.<br\>
Li: Okay.  We'll finish here and meet up with you to decide what to do.<br\>

Revision as of 03:19, 16 November 2012

(written and drawn by Brian Webb)<br\> Updated every Friday<br\> <br\>

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Vision Impaired Transcript

<br\> Hamilton: We got a 'tip' from someone earlier.<br\> Li: You don't sound too happy about that.<br\> Hamilton: They hacked PD's systems and inserted it into the case notes.<br\> Li: Oh. That's not good.<br\> Hamilton: No. But unless you turn something up, it's all we've got.<br\> Li: It doesn't look good. We've found a bunch of weapons, and some 'waved body armour. But no notes or computers.<br\> Hamilton: We're going to talk to a guy Chalmbers knows, see if this is legit.<br\> Li: Okay. We'll finish here and meet up with you to decide what to do.<br\> <br\>

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