Ale Blue Dot

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The Ale Blue Dot is a nano-brewpub (An output of less than 470 litres) located on The Island. Owned by the enigmatic and dapper Humphery Blaine, the establishment is a grotto fitted out with a blue neon, steel, white leather, Krypton laser, dry ice aesthetic. An intimate stage & dance floor and a prodigiously stocked obsidian and chrome bar complete the look. The most famous in house beers are the bioluminescent lambic, Witch Head Blue ; and the eight percent porter, Eight Gees. The fare is a fair to good collection of hydroponically grown vat cuisine such as the Moonshroom burger, and the T-Bone Phake.

Ultimately, Blaine would like the musical acts to be exclusively laid back & chilltastic, but until such time as Fen develops a suitably diverse population of musical styles he will have to settle for whatever acts he can land. He does have one band, The Cat's Ass, that specializes in Jazz-funk, that plays fairly regularly. They do very interesting things to Henry Mancini.