Talk:The Mystery of the Fen from Outer Space

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Revision as of 03:39, 8 December 2011 by Bwebb (Talk | contribs)

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Ok, the crashed hard drive has been salvaged and most of the files are intact, including the script. What this means to you, if you care, is that the Mystery should be returning in the new year.<br\> --Brian 07/12/2011 <br\> PS: backup your HD and stay in school.<br\> <br\>

Update N: Grrrr, a working scanner is now connected to my computer. Next step, get PS working.<br\> --Brian 27/10/2011

Update 2: It is here, it boots, I will begin installing software and seeing what may be salvaged from the old HD tomorrow after I get some sleep. The comic should resume the first week of October depending on how ornery the old HD is.<br\> --Brian 23/8/2011

A quick update on the PC situation: The bad news, the HD for the old one may be dead and unrecoverable. The good news, the new PC ought to arrive on Tuesday or Wednesday.<br\> --Brian 23/8/2011

It's probably for the best Auger, getting the smell of wet cat out of a vac suit is decidedly non-trivial.<br\> --Brian 18/8/2011

Real Life has blown up on me, please come back next week. Blargh.<br\> --Brian 3/8/2011

That took a lot longer than I thought it would. Also, looking back at something you drew a month ago, can be pretty painful. I'm sorry.<br\> --Brian 13/7/2011

Unfortunately I was not able to work around my move as I thought I was going to be able to. Therefore May 26th and June 2nd will not have updates<br\>

-- Brian 26/5/2011

And with this page (86) about 80% of the stupid jokes that I orginally came up with when planning to write this story have been told. I'm sorry.<br\> -- Brian 31/3/2011

A day late (stupid thesis) and with a horrible attempt at shadows. Mal has my email address should you wish to register complaints.<br\> -- Brian 3/12/10

And unfortunately no update this week. Work on my thesis, a conference and my lack of a buffer have conspired to prevent it. The Mystery will return next Thursday.<br\> -- Brian 3/11/10

The reason I don't use more sound effects in the comic is simple. I feel really really silly typing them in, even more so in the vision impaired transcript.<br\> -- Brian 28/10/10

Dear Ghu, pages with Grey, Auger and the Car take forever to finish. -- Brian 24/06/10