Stan's Kwalitee Danegoods

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The fenish equivalent of the little shop that wasn't there yesterday[1], Stan's is a persistent myth through out Fenspace. A small, seedy vendor selling various items, from 'dane made trinkets to junk food, possibly inna bun, and other oddments that just happened fall off the back of a passing shuttle. The various stories and tales place Stan's on just about every station and major port in known space, at one time or another[2].

The stories all agree that anything bought from Stan is of dubious quality, either about to break or already broken and held together by gum and hope, and quite possibly stolen from someone who'd really like it back. And if it's in any way edible, it will be spiked with 'wavium. Stan supposedly makes his money selling to the desperate, inattentive, gullible and 'Dane tourists.

There's no evidence to conclusively prove that Stan or his shop actually exist, but every once in a while bits and pieces turn up; A receipt found on the Stellvia, some business cards scattered around Port Phobos and the like. But nothing that couldn't have been made by Fen for a practical joke.

Still to be on the safe side when shopping or looking for a box of pocky at a con, just remember, even with the 'wave TANSTAFL.


  1. And won't be there tomorrow, when you try to get a refund.
  2. If he's real, he's either got a lot of very short lived franchises, or can move about in ways that make the Ninja envious